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Grace Filled Plate
How to End All-or-Nothing Eating Once and For All

Build Daily Habits Based on God's Word

Hey sis, it's time to live well!

Why are your studies better than a diet or "healthy eating plan?"
Diets and, yes, even "healthy eating plans" fail us because they try to fix the outisde– what we eat and how we look. A TRUE and lasting transformation is inevitable when we follow a Biblical approach to change. The resources here will teach you how to put the Lord before food, day-by-day, so you can enjoy eating and not think about food when you're not!
Transform Your Greatest Struggle with These Resources
Practical help straight from the Word of God.
Help! I'm stuck in a cycle of overeating. Where should I start?
First things first, sis, you are NOT alone. Years of dieting and labeling foods as "good" or "bad" can really get to a gal.
It's important to build your foundation on the Word of God– you'll want to start with one of our Chew the Word Studies.
This will get you "feeding" on the Bible.
Next, you'd choose one of the options below:
🍪 If you struggle with the diet mindset, always setting your sights high and then feeling like a failure when you don't meet your expectations, How to End All-or-Nothing Eating will help you correct that negative mindset so that you can hit the "reset" button any time!
🍪 If you tend to eat emotionally and want to get to the root of the issues (and meet your true needs) then A Biblical Approach to Overcoming Overeating is just what you need to clear the confusion and develop a Jesus-first plan for food freedom.
If you can relate to both of these statements, prayerfully pick one and trust the Lord's leading!
Which "Chew the Word" should I start with?
Like standing in the cereal 🥣aisle, it can feel overwhelming to know which Chew the Word to pick.
🍴✝️Chew the Word: Original is a great place to start. The verses are prayerfully chosen and come at just the right time. With less of a thematic format than the studies listed below, you'll be fully open and free to hear how the Lord is leading you!
🍴✝️ Chew the Word: Courses covers 7 essential topics that speak to how you eat, how you see your body, and how you find food freedom.
🍴✝️ Chew the Word: Stories puts you IN the most moving Bible stories and walks you into practical application into
🍴✝️ The Chew the Word: Armor & Chew the Word: Fruit Bundle will give you the practical tools of your faith into action.
I'm struggling to lose weight, what course should I do?
I'm glad you're here, sis. I've been there– so stuck in my weight loss goals that I couldn't think clearly...
I'd jump from diet to diet only to end up feeling even worse each and every time.
The most important thing is to get grounded in God's Word.
You can do this by diving into our Chew the Word: Original study and/or tackle that negative body image head on.
You see, a hyper-focus on weight loss backfires as all the pressure to eat well and exercise sends us to the pantry, to soothe ourselves with the very food we're trying to avoid.
The key to lifelong weight loss is found in addressing all-or-nothing thinking AND negative body image.
After you've changed how you think about food, your body, and maybe even God, you're ready to dive the Healthy Habit Planner.
With this planner, you'll learn the exact techniques I've been using with my clients for over a decade.
If you get stuck along the way, A Biblical Approach to Overcoming Overeating will help you uncover the reasons you turn to food so that you can meet your TRUE needs and eat less, naturally.

When we embrace how God has set us apart and honor His direction for our eating, our habits change (for good) and our bodies reach their greatest potential.
Brandice Lardner, Founder
Let your light shine!
Giving Back
Thanks to you, Grace Filled Plate gives 15% of all profits to a women’s sewing ministry in the Dominican Republic, which has the 3rd largest human trafficking industry in the world. With a way to provide for themselves and their children, and learning their worth and value in Jesus Christ, these women are equipped to withstand the pull of this horrific industry.